Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate

Trenboxyl-Hexa-100-2vials-e1554380309539Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate is an androgenic and anabolic steroid that is considered 5 times more powerful compared to already powerful hormone Testosterone and that’s because the compound is offering androgenic and anabolic characteristics that are 5 times more potent compared to potency of testosterone on paper.

  • Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate is also very often being called Trenbolone Hexa or Tren Hex shortly because, as much as you can notice, the ester name attached to Trenbolone is a real tongue twister.

Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate was used in the past for medical purposes but then it was discontinued. It was used as brand and trade name Parabolan and it remains one of the most famous brands for Tren Hexa, but you may also find this anabolic steroid as other brands.

Buy Trenbolone here.

Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate and Other Tren Esters

You may have heard about Trenbolone Enanthate or especially Trenbolone Acetate since Tren with Acetate ester is by far the most famous and common ester for Trenbolone.

There is no difference in mechanism of action or final results, the only difference is in the attached ester as much as we can see.

  • Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate is the longest Tren ester, whilst Enanthate or especially Acetate are way shorter and faster esters.

The difference is in their delay after they were administered (Trenbolone is most commonly being used in form of injection as it comes as oil solution) as they have big differences in the half life between the Trenbolone esters.

Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate is having a half life of up to about 14 days, Trenbolone Enanthate has a half life of about 7-9 days whilst Trenbolone Acetate half life is only 2-3 days.

Trenbolone Features and Effects

Regardless of the ester, Trenbolone remains one of the most powerful anabolic steroid that you can find on the market. Tren was derived from Nandrolone and therefore, the molecular structure of these 2 substances are similar, yet Nandrolone is not offering as much androgenic and anabolic activity. Trenbolone is overall offering a higher resistance to metabolism in the body resulting in better anabolic effect.

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In addition to that, Tren HexaParabolan is not going to convert into estrogen unlike many other steroids or Nandrolone itself. Trenbolone has a complete resistance to aromatization whilst Nandrolone is aromatized.


Trenbolone Hexa Facts

A lot of bodybuilders love Trenbolone Hexa as is one of the most effective anabolic steroids that you may find. In addition to that, some people that couldn’t resist the potency of famous Trenbolone Acetate, were capable to resist when using Trenbolone Hex and that’s because the compound is delayed slowly in your system and the body has enough time to get used to it.

ParabolanTren Hex is in high demand in bodybuilding and various other sports because the compound is super effective at increasing muscle mass, gaining lean muscle mass, burning body fat and overall making you more powerful.

Trenbolone is a powerful steroid that has to provide a lot of different benefits and you have to use it carefully if you want to stay away from negative side effects and get the maximum benefits.


That’s why, we recommend to have a good diet and a regular exercise schedule all along with the fact that you need to learn how to use this steroid properly for getting best results. Yet, with the help of this steroid, you can be sure that is very possible to gain a lot of muscle mass of an amazing quality that would be long lasting since the steroid doesn’t aromatize and the gains won’t be accompanied by water retention or bloating.

  • So, you gain clean muscle mass, and in the same time Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate helps you burn body fat, is obvious that physical appearance is going to get an amazing look.
  • But other than that, you get enhancement in recovery, endurance, stamina, energy and obviously – strength levels.
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That’s why powerlifters and sport athletes are receiving huge increase in power indicators, making Trenbolone one of the favorite compound among strongmen and powerlifters.

Buy Trenbolone

There’s a lot more things that you’ve got to learn about Trenbolone Hexa before actually buying it. If you have any questions, you could ask our customer support. But if you know how to do it properly and just need a high quality steroid to receive best results – use We offer best quality Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate for sale making you save money and get high quality compound.

Buy Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate here.


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