Dianabol Cycle

A Dianabol cycle is by far one of the most popular cycles among bodybuilders and everyone who wants to pack on muscle mass. That’s because a Dianabol cycle would greatly help with muscle and strength boost.

  • Dianabol (Dbol) containing Methandrostenolone (Methandienone) is considered the most popular orally active bulking steroid in the world.

A Dianabol cycle is considered to be relatively safe and cheap. But at the same time – it remains very effective. That’s why, without too many risks of side effects or without spending too much money, you might add muscles.

When talking about the exceptional building of muscle mass and strength and doing it fast – there are few other cycles that can compare with a Dianabol cycle. Maybe with the exception of the Anadrol cycle, but Anadrol is way harsher with way more side effects risks too.


In the end, Dianabol is orally active and is extremely effective. However, you must learn how to properly run it first. This way you’ll make sure to get maximum benefits and least side effects.

Solo Dianabol Cycle

Generally, we do not recommend running a Dianabol only cycle. That’s because when being stacked with base Testosterone, you are getting way more benefits and may reduce some side effects intensity.

Nonetheless, if you still want to run Dianabol alone, then usually that’s after a cycle with milder steroids – Anavar (Oxandrolone) or better – Testosterone.

These are much better options for those who never used steroids. That’s because they are milder than Dianabol. In fact, Testosterone is highly recommended to be the first ever steroid a person uses.

See also  Testosterone Cypionate Dosage


Buy Dianabol Here

Anyway, if you still want to run a Dianabol only cycle – be very careful. Do not ever use it for longer than 6 weeks. But it is better to stop at the 4-5 weeks mark. Dosages should be very low – 10 mg or a maximum of 20 mg a day.

  • For those who never used Dianabol: 10 mg a day for 4 weeks is good enough.
  • If you have ever used Dianabol: 20-30 mg a day for 4-6 weeks.
  • Advanced users: 30-40 mg a day for about 6 weeks.

Testosterone and Dianabol Cycle

As said, it is not very recommended to run Dianabol alone. Is best to stack it with Testosterone. Etho-Testoterone-Beligas

Usually, Dbol is used as a kickstarter until the longer based injections of Testosterone kick in. But can be used at the end or in the middle of the cycle to get your cycle effectiveness enhanced. This way you’re going to get more muscles and strength at the end.

Example of Dianabol and Testosterone cycle:

  • 300 mg Testosterone weekly for 12 weeks with 20-30 mg a day of Dianabol first or last 6 weeks. Beginners Dianabol cycle.
  • 500 mg Testosterone weekly for 12 weeks with 40-60 mg a day of Dianabol first or last 6 weeks. Advanced Dianabol cycle.
  • 750 mg Testosterone weekly for 14 weeks with about 60-80 mg a day of Dianabol first or last 8 weeks. Professional Dianabol cycle.

Nandrolone, Testosterone and Dianabol Cycle


Those people who ever used an advanced Dianabol cycle and had great results with it may also throw in another effective bulking steroid – Nandrolone. It is best known as Deca Durabolin (or Deca shortly).

  • You can run Deca with Testosterone without Dianabol, but you can’t run Deca with Dianabol without Testosterone. That’s because Nandrolone is a steroid that shouldn’t be used without Testosterone.
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However, when Nandrolone is stacked with Testosterone and Dianabol – that’s an immensely effective bulking cycle.

Lots of people said that the combination of these 3 steroids offered them AMAZING results in terms of muscle and strength gains.

You may add Nandrolone to the earlier mentioned Testosterone and Dianabol cycles in a dosage of 2:3 compared to testosterone. Such as 400 mg Deca weekly and 600 mg Testosterone weekly + Dianabol 50 mg a day. Injectables for 14 weeks and Dbol first 8 weeks.

Ancillaries of Dianabol Cycle


You would need estrogenic control, blood pressure control, testosterone suppression control, and liver damage control with all Dianabol cycles.

Estrogen: Arimidex or Aromasin as needed during the cycle

Blood pressure: Oil fish every day during the cycle

Liver damage: Milk Thistle or whatever other liver protective supplement during cycle

Testosterone suppression: PCT plan with Nolvadex and/or Clomid after cycle

Buy Dianabol Here

You can buy anything you need for a Dianabol cycle directly from LandOfMarbles.com. Best quality products for the lowest prices are ensured.


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